Someone afresh referred me to a book that they anticipation I'd like. It's a 2009 book, aimed against agents of grades K through 12, blue-blooded Why Don't Acceptance Like School? It's by a cerebral scientist called Daniel T. Willingham, and it has accustomed babble reviews by endless bodies complex in the academy system. Google the appellation and columnist and you'll acquisition pages and pages of adoring reviews and cipher pointing out that the book absolutely and absolutely fails to acknowledgment the catechism airish by its title.
Willingham's apriorism is that acceptance don't like academy because their agents don't accept a abounding compassionate of assertive cerebral attempt and accordingly don't advise as able-bodied as they could. They don't present actual in means that address best to students' minds. Presumably, if agents followed Willingham's admonition and acclimated the best recent advice cerebral science has to action about how the apperception works, acceptance would adulation school.
Talk about alienated the albatross in the room!
Ask any schoolchild why they don't like academy and they'll acquaint you. "School is prison." They may not use those words, because they're too polite, or maybe they've already been brainwashed to accept that